network RU
calendar 28.10-31.10 2024 г.

General information

International research and practice conference « Science and creativity in the materials artistic processing technology »

October 28-31, 2024, Izhevsk

Form of participation in the conference and competition: offline (report, competition), online (publishing without conference, competition)


Conference sections:

  • 1. Design and technology
  • 2. Project conception and Design
  • 3. Innovation technology in Design
  • 4. Jeweler’s Design
  • 5. Gemology and Design
  • 6. Ethnic Design
  • 7. The Design of Advertisements Production
  • 8. Study of Art, Fashion and Design
  • 9. Preservation of Artistic Legacy
  • 10. Issues of Teaching Disciplines of the Educational Program “Technology of Artistic Material Working”

Nominations of competition of artistic and designing works:

  • 1. Paintings
  • 2. Classical drawing
  • 3. Graphics
  • 4. Composition
  • 5. 3d modeling of artistic and industrial products
  • 6. Materials treatment skills: Jewelry materials, stones, metal (decorative ironwork, art castings, artistic coating, engraving, embossing, complex technology)
  • 7. Research works
  • 8. Technological and structural projects
  • 9. Graduation thesis


Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Egyptian Russian University

Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry


Organizing committee


  • Gubert A.V. -and about. Rector of Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Deputy Chairmen:

  • Pervushin G.N., Dean of the Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Design named after V.A. Shumilova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Ryabchikov A.V. – Director of the Institute of International Educational Programs of Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikova, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Oraby Mohamed, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Egyptian-Russian University, Professor of Painting (Egypt), (as agreed);
  • Hasan Izz - Eldin, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts of the Egyptian-Russian University, Professor of Glass Design and Technology (Egypt), (as agreed);
  • Liu Yuhua – Director of the Landscape Institute of the Jiangsong Vocational Technical Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (China) (as agreed).

Members of the organizing committee:

  • Sidorina E.V. – Director of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education at Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov;
  • Lozhkin Yu.V. – head Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Chernykh M.M. – Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor;
  • Fedyaeva E.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Ph.D.;
  • Ostanina P.A. – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Ph.D.;
  • Konyagina T.V. – Associate Professor of Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Bichurina E.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University;
  • Zagoruiko A.A. - Art. Lecturer at Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University;
  • Babushkin S.A. – deputy Director of the Center for International Academic Cooperation at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University;
  • Pakhomova N.Yu. – teacher at the Institute of Continuing Professional Education at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University.

Program Committee


  • Zhukova L.T. – Chairman of the NMS in the direction of “Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials”, Director of the Institute of Applied Arts, Head. Department of Materials and Jewelry Processing Technology, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Deputy Chairmen:

  • Chernykh M.M. – Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
  • Aleya Abd-Elhady, Department of Design, Egyptian-Russian University, Professor of Interior Architecture (Egypt), (as agreed);
  • Nazmy Hosam Eldin, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Applied Arts, the Egyptian Russian University, Professor of Production Methods and Technology (Egypt), (as agreed);

Members of the program committee:

  • Safin R.R. – Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Kazan National Research Technological University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Gavritskov S.A. – head Department of Artistic Processing of Materials, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Gruzdeva I.A. – head Department of Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Dmitrieva V.S. – head Department of Technology of Processing of Precious Stones and Metals, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Yakutsk;
  • Zakharov A.I. – head Department of General Technology of Silicates of the Russian Chemical and Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Kotlyar V.D. – head Department of Construction Materials, Don State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Lobatskaya R.M. – head Department of Gemology, Irkutsk National Research University, Doctor of Geol.-Mineral. sciences, professor;
  • Lozhkin Yu.V. – Head of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Materials Processing of Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikova, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Mamedova I.Yu. – Head of the Department of Computer Design at Moscow Technological University, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Orlov I.I. – head Department of Design and Artistic Processing of Materials, Lipetsk State Technical University, Doctor of Art History, Professor;
  • Filatova N.V. – head Department of Technology of Ceramics and Electrochemical Production, Ivanovo State Chemical and Technological University, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Chumachenko G.V. – head Department of Shaping Technology and Artistic Processing of Materials, Don State Technical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Galanin S.I. – Professor of the Department of Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials, Artistic Design, Arts and Technical Services of Kostroma State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Ershov M.Yu. – Professor of the Department of Machines and Foundry Technology named after P.N. Aksenov, Moscow Polytechnic University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Blinova I.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Technology for the Production of Materials, South Ural State University (Research University) in Zlatoust;
  • Zemtsov M.I. – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials of Vyatka State University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Ivleva L.P. – Associate Professor of the Department of Foundry Technologies and Artistic Processing of Materials of the National Research Technological University “MISiS”, Ph.D., Associate Professor;
  • Kaposhko I.A. – Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Technological Processing of Materials of the Siberian Federal University, Ph.D., Professor;
  • Rudnaya N.S. – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Timber Production and Materials Processing of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk.

Participation and publications

Students, undergraduates and graduate students works participate in the competitions that were not exhibited at the All-Russian competitions of previous years. No more than three works rated as the best at university or regional competitions will be accepted from one educational institution in each nomination. The competition is held online and offline.
Works in one of the participation options to choose are accepted for the competition:
1. Online competition
All materials you should attach to the registration form.

Graphic works are photographed at right angles, close-up, in a well-lit room without shadows, glare or extraneous objects. File name: “X_Last name_IO_competition_University”, where X is the number of the nomination in the review competition, for example: 1_Petrov_PP_DSTU competition. The image of the work should not contain any identifying marks.
Products with various materials must be photographed from different angles (no more than 5 photos from the author) on a neutral background (white, gray, black) with thoughtful lighting and sent as a rar/zip archive. Additionally, close-up photos of the product on the model are also welcome. Archive name: “X_Last name_IO_competition_University”, where X is the number of the competition nomination. Attach an explanatory note about the work to the photographs (title, purpose, authors, materials, technology, artistic image).
Research works (bachelor's, master's and graduate students) and graduation works (bachelor's and master's degrees) are sent as a pdf file (all signatures are required) with the name “X_Last name_IO_University”, where X is the number of the nomination in the review competition.
Acceptance of works in electronic form is carried out until October 10, 2024.

2. Offline work is provided on the day of registration at: st. Studencheskaya, 48, building 2, 4th floor, exhibition hall "Rakurs".
Any form of participation must be confirmed by completing online registration up to October 10, 2024.
Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific papers of the international scientific and practical conference “Science and creativity in the materials artistic processing technology” with registration on the RSCI platform.
For the conference, the texts of the reports are attached in online form in doc/docx format to the registration form of the conference participant File name: “X_Last name_and Leader_Last name_ IO of speaker_report_university", where X – Conference topic number: 1_Ivanov_II_Petrov_PP_report_DSTU.
In addition to the report, conference participants must also attach to the registration form a presentation file with a title, designed according to a template, which will be sent out upon completion of participants registration. Conference participant certificates are issued only for offline participation. Articles are published with both participation options, publication is free.


Articles are provided in Russian or English in MS Word format. A4 sheet format, Times New Roman font, font size 14, 1 (single) spaced. Margins above, below, right and left - 20 mm. Volume 5-8 full pages excluding literature.
Tables and figures must be numbered and have references to them in the text. Tables should have a title in the form “Table 1 – Title of the table without a dot at the end”, drawings and figure captions in the form “Figure 1 – Title of the figure without a dot at the end”.

Important dates of the conference and competition


426069, Izhevsk, st. Studencheskaya, 48, building 2, room 409